Monday, May 11, 2015

Hogle Zoo

We have been in the middle of Lacrosse season which means Kyle is gone A LOT!  Saturday morning we woke up and the kids were begging to go to the zoo.  Kyle doesn't really love the zoo and it takes a lot for him to be willing to go.  It helped the kids that he had been gone a lot and was willing to do anything for them.  We also bribed him with going to Tony Burgers after the zoo.  I love the zoo and I love taking my kids.  Even though we go quite a bit it never really gets old for me.  This time we decided to try the new train out.  We got to see both the male and female lions but that was about all that was great about the train.  Kyle and I were both pretty disappointed in the ride.  Any chance I get to spend the day doing something as a family is a really great day in my book!

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