Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blowing Bubbles

Yesterday Corbin brought me his piggy bank and asked if we could count his money and maybe go to the dollar store to buy some toys for himself.  He was so excited when I told him that he had $9.  We talked about his options that he could do with his money.  I told him that he had enough to be able to go and buy 1 ninja turtle that he has been wanting for a couple months now but if he did that it would take all of his money to get it or he could take a few dollars to the dollar store and save the rest of it.  He thought about it really hard but decided to just take a few dollars and save the rest of it.  I was surprised by his decision but very impressed with it at the same time.  He told me that it made him sad thinking that he wouldn't have any money left in his piggy bank if he got the ninja turtle.  So I helped him count out $3 and we put it in a little baggy for him and I gathered some change for Emma so she could participate as well and we headed for the store.  They both picked out bubbles and the second we got home they were ripping them opened and wanting to blow bubbles.

This morning Corbin did ask me if he could take the rest of his money to go and buy a ninja turtle and I explained to him that because he took money to the dollar store yesterday he now didn't have enough money to go and buy the ninja turtle.  He threw a fit for a little bit but eventually got over it.

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