Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Today Corbin started Preschool! He has been so excited to go to preschool. When I went to drop him off all the way there he kept telling me that he was going to walk up to the door all by himself and that he doesn't need me to walk with him. Well, I sort of ignored him and let him walk in but I walked a few feet behind just to make sure.
He loved preschool and had so much to tell me when I picked him up. I think that this is going to be really good for him!


Andrea said...

Yay corbin! what a big kid!

Erin said...

How did you go about finding a preschool? We are waiting until next year (not that Will wouldn't have LOVED it this year but it has just been too hectic!) but we will hopefully be moving right before preschool again next year and so I want to try and find one ahead of time!