Monday, September 12, 2011

Bear Lake Weekend

Because Kyle was unable to come to any of the 2nd week of our turn at the Bear Lake cabin we decided that we would go up for a long weekend. We left Thursday after Kyle got off work and headed up there. We had a fabulous weekend. The weather was perfect. Corbin went on the tube a bunch of times and Emma also got her first ride on the tube. Corbin also went on the knee board behind the boat. Kyle skied and I once again attempted to ski. I got close a couple of times to getting up but was unsuccessful. I still had fun trying though. We are so glad that Heidi and her family could join us. Cam and his family came up but unfortunately Cam had something come up at work so they had to leave on Friday but we are still glad that they came up for a little while.


Parrish Family said...

It looks like you guys had a fun time!! And your family picture is so cute!!! :)

Kirsten said...

Um, that family picture is amazing! You look beautiful Megs! What a cute family.