Friday, September 16, 2016

Lagoon 2016

We had the chance to take our kids to Lagoon with my family.  This is easily becoming one of our all time favorite things we do altogether.  For the most part my kids rocked the rides.  Emma especially! She started her day off with Cannibal and ended her day with Samaurai and Cannibal again.  I could not believe how brave she was!  Bode wasn't so thrilled with most of the rides and cried on the majority of them.  He did love the boats and the car rides.  At the end he finally realized how fun some of the rides were and was so sad when we left and he has asked when are we going back to the rides every day since.  Corbin was a champ and pretty much rode anything and everything and Tessa got her first rides on the Carousel and on the Train.  Family time is seriously the best ever!

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