Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bear Lake-Week 2

Last week we headed up for our 2nd week at Bear Lake. This time was way different than the first week.  At the beginning of the week there were only 12 of us.  Kyle wasn't able to come up till Wednesday night so it was just me and the 3 kids for the first couple of days.  My kids were such troopers and were so good.  Corbin knee boarded like a mad man this last week.  He was finally able to figure out how to get out of the wake and was starting to catch a little air coming out of it.  He also skied, went on crazy tube rides and surfed with Kyle.  They tried a new trick and they were able to get Corbin up on his shoulders while they were surfing.  Scared me half to death but it was pretty cool to watch.  Emma rode the tube a lot.  Once she figured out what it was all about she loved riding the tube.  Bode rode on the tube with us and he even went belly dragging for a little bit with Kyle but he did not like it at all.  I was able to water ski and I tried paddle boarding.  It was a lot of fun.  Torie and I spent one morning paddle boarding down to the marina.  We had such a great time just chatting away and neither of fell.  Kyle tried reliving his glory days on the knee board and tried to show off his sweet skills of 360s and catching air.  He also was able to do some knee boarding with Corbin which I loved watching.   Corbin and Emma also got a chance to ride Evan's dirt bike.  While riding it the little kids found a little frog.  Bode was obsessed with it and loved getting to hold it.  I had to save the frog a couple of times from Bode's death grip.

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