Tuesday, January 21, 2014

7 Months

Bode is now 7 months old and he is probably the most active 7 month old I know.  He by far is my smallest baby.  I get so many comments on how little he is.  He is crawling, hands and knees now, and has gotten quite fast at it.  I am slightly fearful of the day he decides to walk. He pulls himself up on pretty much everything he can.  We had to lower his crib and move it away from the wall recently because he figured out how to pull himself up and play with his blinds so instead of taking naps I would find him peeking out his window and playing pickaboo with who knows what.  Because of him being so active and he was starting to lose some weight I was forced with the decision to either continue breastfeeding, knowing that I wasn't enough for him and he would want to eat again not long after eating off me or just to stop.  I decided to stop and I feel like he is a much happier baby because he is full.  It has been extremely difficult and such an emotional roller coaster ride.  He wants to eat everything in sight and loves just about anything we give him.  He sure is a special little boy and we just love having him in our family!

1 comment:

Parrish Family said...

Oh my goodness, one of those pictures totally reminds me of Emma as a baby.

And I LOVE that he was playing peek-a-boo with his blinds, so funny!