Saturday, October 5, 2013

Weekend in Ogden

Our dear friend Nigil Bailey is leaving for a mission the beginning of October so the weekend of his farewell we decided to make it a weekend trip. We went up Friday night and Kyle and I were able to go out on a date. Saturday we got to go to the Ogden Farmers market which we always loved going to when we lived up there. We then spent some time with our friends the Hamblins and then hit the pool back at our hotel room. Both kids did great swimming and this was Bode's first time in a pool. Despite the pool being really cold he did well for about 3 minutes and then he was done.   Our hotel was right by the Ogden temple that is currently under construction so we walked over by it and looked at it.  On Sunday we went to the farewell. Nigil did such a great job and it was so fun to see a lot of our old neighbors and ward members. It ended up being a really fun getaway weekend as a family.

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