Friday, September 13, 2013

3 Months

I cannot believe that Bode is 3 months already. We love this little guy so much. He has been a pretty good baby. He has really started interacting with us and Corbin got him to really giggle for the first time last week. He only takes 45 minutes to an hour long naps during the day but at night he sleeps from 8 till 4 or 5, will eat and then sleep till 7. He will NOT take a bottle unless it has breast milk in it and then he'll take it but still puts up a stink about it. He HATES getting his diaper changed and he HATES the bath! I've never had a child hate the bath but he sure does holler and scream at us during bath time. For the most part he seems like a pretty easy going kid which is good.


Parrish Family said...

Such cute pictures! I love his sweet smile!

Katie Warner said...

SERIOUSLY he is darling!!