Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Bode-2 Months

I cannot believe how quickly time has flown by and that Bode is already 2 months. He is now 10 lbs 13 oz and is 24 inches long. He has started smiling and trying to talk to us which I am loving. It is so hard to be upset in the middle of the night when you walk into his room and you hear his happy sound and you just know that he is smiling. He will go to bed between 8 and 8:30 and normally sleep till 4 or 5, eat and then go back to sleep till 7 or 7:30. He's a lot more picky then my other kids. He refuses to take a bottle, he still hates getting his diaper changed and really hates to be put down sometimes. He also loves his blanket. He'll be fusing and I can put his blanket up close to his face and he'll calm right down. He is quite the Momma's boy but Dad can get some of the biggest smiles from him. We love this little guy and are so grateful he is part of our family.