Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Living Planet Aquarium

We are starting to go real stir crazy in our house so I decided that we needed to take a field trip to get us out of the house. I decided to take the kids to the Living Planet Aquarium. My sister in law Megan and her little boy Beckett met us there.  On the way there Corbin told Emma that the big sharks were going to bite her fingers so she cried almost all the way there.  Once I finally got her calmed down I explained to her that Corbin was wrong and that nothing was going to bite her fingers.  She was a little timid at first and sat in the stroller but once she saw Corbin and Beckett going from exhibit to exhibit she decided it was ok and followed suit.  At every exhibit though she would put her finger on the glass and exclaim that it bit her and then would laugh.

1 comment:

Parrish Family said...

Oh, poor Emma, she thinks everything bites! ;) Looks like a fun field trip!