Thursday, July 14, 2011

Canning Beans

My parents grow a garden and every year we have a deal with my parents that we are welcome to anything in their storage area as far as canning goes as long as we help pick and can them. So for family night we went down and helped out. Corbin really got into it this year and was a huge help. He helped me pick some raspberries, and he helped snap the beans ends off and than he helped my mom wash and put the beans into the bottles.

Emma also got her first try of fresh beans. She gnawed her way through 2 whole beans and wanted more. Every so often I would have to stick my finger in and make sure she wasn't getting too big of chunks but she loved it!

Corbin being silly in the bucket!

1 comment:

Brett Parrish said...

Corbin in the bucket...HAHA!! Looks like Jason taught him a thing or two :)