Monday, October 27, 2014

Parrish Family Adult Weekend

Last weekend was our Parrish Family Adult Weekend. We met up for dinner at Tony Burger and then headed to Mom and Dad's for games and a sing along.  My parents one request was for all of us to sing and play the piano because they have missed it so much since all of us have moved out.  It was fun to be able to play without kids jumping up on the bench and playing along with me.  We played games, watched John get a jelly bean that had gotten stuck in his nasal cavity, had a midnight run to Wendy's and then went to bed around 1.  The next morning we went to do a session at the Bountiful Temple together.  It really is such an incredible feeling to look down the row and see your entire family in the temple together.  After we went to lunch and then went back to the house for a little bit of down time.  We then went to Jekyll and Hyde which is one of mine and Kyle's favorite musicals.  The cast did an incredible job!  After the show we went to try out a new Chinese restaurant that we have been talking about trying for a few years now.  It was pretty authentic Chinese food and it was super yummy!  We had such a great weekend with everybody and we are super grateful to the Bailey family that made the trek down from Ogden to babysit our kiddies so we could go!

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